Tuesday, September 29, 2009
The Haunted House
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Why Church goers aren't perfect.
Tyler Logue
Professor Aiken
English 1101
23 September 2009
Why church goers aren’t perfect.
Every Sunday two groups of people exist. Those who are in church, and for whatever reason, those who aren’t. Then in the group that is not in church more divisions can be drawn. Those who want to be in church but can’t, and those who don’t want to be there in the first place. His group seems to think similarly. Those church goers are perfect people who don’t do anything wrong. Church goers seem to have the best lives and be all happy and lively. The people who attend church have their own pressures and deal with everyday life just like everyone else. Although certain types of churches influence this thought and make it seem untrue. Such as when someone attends a church for the first time and the preacher seems condemning and judgmental. This can greatly effect if that persons goes to church again.
The reason I love my church in particular is because my preacher shows how imperfect he really is. Such as one time he was speaking at the pulpit and he said that no one is perfect especially me. He said he had his fair share of mistakes and that he was nowhere near perfect. That’s the side of church goers that is not seen that much, although it should come out a lot more. Another time I was a church talking to one of the respected men and he told me that everyone makes mistakes in life, and that we shouldn’t dwell on them. By talking to people at my church I learned that I didn’t’ have to be perfect and that no one is. This in particular is something that I struggle with.
I noticed I was making a lot of mistakes and I was judging myself very harshly. So I started by talking with my preacher about it and he gave me examples about himself and others and I realized perfection wasn’t possible even for a church goer. No one has to achieve perfection because it’s vastly overrated. If we were perfect we could never evolve as people because there wouldn’t be any mistakes to learn from. For instance if I was perfect then I would be at a constant level but since I make mistakes I can change and grow from them and make sure I don’t make those same ones again. Basically perfection isn’t worth the sacrifice that we would make for it.
At the end of the day we are all in the same boat church goers and those who don’t go to church. People I know who don’t go to church make the same kinds of mistakes as those people I know who go. Not just that but personally I would be nothing without my mistakes and neither would anyone else. Our mistakes actually define us as people, not each mistake personally but the wide range that they are, and our wanting to stop those mistakes from happening again. I’ve made the mistake to tell peoples secrets and that makes me untrustworthy, but I have the ability to repair that and that yearning to make myself better is what defines me. Church goer or not on the end we are all the same.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
What was my greatest challange writing my paper ?
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
First Day of College
There it was right in front of him. Celeb Hawthorn pulled into the parking lot and stepped out of his Midnight Blue Mustang. It had been a Graduation present from his parents the following May. He looked around and on all sides and saw the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Georgia. At their peaks fog was settling. He got his backpack out of the Stang and proceeded up the parking lot to a large two story brick building. In front of the building was a three tier stone fountain with an angel holding a scale. Water was pouring out of each side of the scale and it was perfectly balanced. Around the fountain were benches made of a sturdy oak and kids of all ethnicities were sitting or standing. Then around them was a large circular driveway done in the signature Georgia clay brick that the entire parking lot was done in. Around the driveway several large vans were parked and kids were exiting them walking in all directions. Those were the shuttles that carried kids from the dorms to the campus and other places. He checked out his watch and realized he had some time to kill before his first class so he thought he could check the campus out. He walked into the two story building, as he did he noticed the sign on the side of the building that was done in large golden letters, it read “Carter Center”. He walked into the building through a set of glass doors and found himself in an atrium of sorts. The ceiling was a large triangular glass dome and a balcony ran the length of the room. Directly in front of him was a staircase to the balcony. Forty or fifty kids walked around the room or sat in seats next to the walls. On either side of him were large wooden doors. On his right side a door was open and he saw into what he guessed was a theater. A man was walking on a stage and the next minute was jumping around on it. He looked to his left across the atrium at the other doors he guessed, by the sounds of instruments being played, that it was a music room of sorts. Caleb decided instead of going upstairs he would keep walking through the building. Then behind the staircase he saw a long hallway that ended at a pair of glass doors. Sunlight was flooding through them. He walked down the hallway it was slightly darker then the bright atrium. There were a lot of smaller and brighter wooden doors on either side of the hallway. Caleb passed several classrooms and noticed that they were mostly History, Literature, or Sociology rooms. “This must be the humanities building” he thought out loud. He got to the doors and walked out and what he saw was breathtaking. There was an endless looking pathway with large green shrubs following the length of it. At the end of it was a behemoth of a building. From his distance he thought it looked like a Greek forum. He began to walk down the pathway towards it. The pathway was made of light stone; almost what he thought was cobblestone. Caleb passed groups of people ranging from three to one back to three and then to five and so on. He got to the large building and realized it was a forum and it wasn’t the end of the pathway. The forum was the biggest thing around. It had about eight steps going around it on all sides. In each of the four corners stood groups of three large whitewashed columns. The roof was a dull green color and made of glass shingles. He walked to the top and up there was tables and chairs and benches made of wrought iron and at least fifty or sixty people. Caleb realized he could see the whole campus. The other building ranged from one to two stories and were made of brick and spaced out over about 12 acres of rolling green hills. To his right were twin two story buildings connected by a glass two story hallway. One building read “Maple Hall” and the other “Oak Hall” in the same golden lettering that was on “Carter Center”. You could see people moving on both floors of the glass hallway. Also too his right between the pathway that connected Carter Center to the forum and the pathway that connected the two halls to the forum was a colorful garden with a statue in the center. Caleb picked out Pink roses, Blue violets and yellow sunflowers. The statue in the center was a copper color and it was faded. He thought it was of a woman but was to far away to see. He turned and looked back straight ahead down the bright stone pathway, lined with the same tall shrubs, at a big two story building with a two story wing on each side. The building looked older than the rest. The clay bricks were faded and that whole side of the campus looked less manicured and cared for then the area where he was standing. On the side of the main building read “The Library” in old faded black letters and on each of the wings was a name. The right one was the Science and Lab Center and the left was the Computer and Math Labs. Caleb saw that the building was built on a hill and at the base of it were several students playing Frisbee and football. Caleb then turned to his left and saw the remainder of the campus. There were two more buildings both looked brand new. One was a long one story building that was named the “Student Social Society” or the (SSS). The other was the tallest building on campus besides the forum. The front of that building was all one story but the back was a tall almost three story building with large oval windows near the top. Caleb saw the sign on the taller part. “The health and Fitness Center”. He decided to check out that side of the campus. He followed the stone pathway. It was curvier then the others. He came to a fork in the road. One way was to the social society and the other way went to the Fitness center. He decided to check out the Social Society first. As he walked down the pathway a breeze came through the valley were the campus was situated. The trees blew in the wind. They reminded him of someone waving. Caleb got to the Society building and stood looking at it. The windows on this building were larger than the others on campus and they seemed to glisten in the sun. The bricks on the building were lighter and made the building look more inviting. He walked into the building and straight into a blue carpeted foyer. Several kids milled about or were sitting in chairs. On his left side were two light wooded doors with big plate glass windows. On one door in big black letters read “Registrar” and on the other in the same type of lettering read “Financial aid”. He looked on his right and saw two more identical doors one leading to the business office and the other to student affairs. Straight ahead of him were four glass doors that lead into a large game room and cafeteria. The game room was on the left and was done in the same blue carpet as the foyer. It had pool tables hockey tables and several big screen TVs. On the right a small modest cafeteria done with modern gold and blue chairs and tables was serving about seven or eight choices of food. He wanted to go to the game room but looked at his watch and saw his first class was starting soon. It was in the Carter Center. He turned to leave and ran into a girl. He apologized and helped her gather her books that had fallen. He looked at her. She had on a black skirt and blouse that looked good with her blonde hair and blue eyes. “Sorry “he said again. “No problem umm... I’m Kara Dawson.” He nodded and said “Caleb Hawthorn” She smiled “Nice to meet you” He glanced back at his watch. “I’ve got a class now but it gets out in an hour would you like to get some food then.” She nodded “Ok see you here in an hour.” They parted and Caleb walked back to the forum. He stood at the top looking all around the large, colorful campus. “I think I’m going to like it at Blue Ridge University” he said aloud.